La Palma weather

Our guide to the weather in La Palma during January


Average high


UV Index


Monthly rainfall


Sea temperature

La Palma is a winter-sun destination, and so you'll find January is normally warm. Pack a hoody just in case the wind whips up off the Atlantic. The sea is warmer than you might expect for January and is comfortable for swimming. We've looked at the most up-to-date weather data for La Palma, covering the last 12 years up to 2024, plus we've asked our team of travel bloggers for their first-hand experiences in order to answer the most frequently asked questions about La Palma weather in January.

What's the temperature like in La Palma during January?

January is typically the coolest month in La Palma. The temperature reaches around 16℃ during the daytime, falling away to 11℃ at night. The UV index will be moderate at this time of year, so not something to worry about for the average person. However, if you're going to be outside for long periods it's worth wearing a broad spectrum SPF 30+ sunscreen and UV-blocking sunglasses. Remember that bright surfaces, such as water and sand increase UV exposure.

Does it rain in La Palma during January?

On average, there will be 2 rainy days during the month, amounting to 51.9mm in total. That's broadly comparable with the amount of rain we see in England during the summer months, and would be considered dry. There's a small chance that you'll catch a thunderstorm during your trip.

Is it windy in La Palma during January?

You're unlikely to experience any strong winds. Expect a gentle breeze that increases to moderate at times during January. With moderate humidity, the wind will feel chilly, so you'll want to wear layers.

How warm is the sea in La Palma during January?

The water around La Palma is around 20℃ during January. It will feel a little on the cool when first entering, but you'll warm up quickly. Most kids will have no problem with this temperature, but those who feel the cold are unlikely to want to swim.

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