Sal weather

Our guide to the weather in Sal during October


Average high


UV Index


Monthly rainfall


Sea temperature

We've looked at the most up-to-date weather data for Sal, covering the last 12 years up to 2024, plus we've asked our team of travel bloggers for their first-hand experiences in order to answer the most frequently asked questions about Sal weather in October.

How warm is it in Sal during October?

The temperature is extremely stable in October with average highs of 27℃ and lows just 1℃ lower at 26℃. Of course, the high humidity will make it feel even hotter. The UV index will be high at this time of year, so protection against skin and eye damage is needed. Try to limit exposure between 10am and 4pm. Apply broad spectrum SPF 30+ sunscreen every few hours, even if it's cloudy, or more frequently after sweating or swimming, and wear UV-blocking sunglasses too, and bear in mind that bright surfaces, such as sand and water increase UV exposure.

Does it rain in Sal during October?

On average, in October you'll see rain on just one day in the month. In other words, you shouldn't see any of the wet stuff. Due to the high temperature and humidity, you might expect lots of thunderstorms, however they're actually fairly infrequent at this time of year. On average, October will see just 2 days that produce a storm.

Is it windy in Sal during October?

Expect moderate breeze becoming stronger at times during October, with occasional gusts up to 20mph. The high humidity and warm temperature will make the breeze feel warm, so any cooling effect will be limted.

How warm is the sea in Sal during October?

The water around Sal reaches a very pleasant 27℃ during October. This is very warm, and will feel bath-like. People who normally feel the cold will find this temperature perfectly acceptable. The hot air temperature and relatively high humidity will mean that you will feel comfortably warm when coming out of the water.

Holidays in Sal

Holiday deals you might be interested in

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