Puerto De La Cruz weather

Our guide to the weather in Puerto De La Cruz during November


Average high


UV Index


Monthly rainfall


Sea temperature

We've looked at the most up-to-date weather data for Puerto De La Cruz, covering the last 12 years up to 2024, plus we've asked our team of travel bloggers for their first-hand experiences in order to answer the most frequently asked questions about Puerto De La Cruz weather in November.

How warm is it in Puerto De La Cruz during November?

The temperature is extremely stable in November with average highs of 22℃ and lows just 3℃ lower at 19℃. The UV index will be moderate at this time of year, so not something to worry about for the average person. However, if you're going to be outside for long periods it's worth wearing a broad spectrum SPF 30+ sunscreen and UV-blocking sunglasses. Remember that bright surfaces, such as water and sand increase UV exposure.

Does it rain in Puerto De La Cruz during November?

November is typically the wettest month in Puerto De La Cruz. On average, in November you'll see rain on just one day in the month. In other words, you shouldn't see any of the wet stuff. There's a small chance that you'll catch a thunderstorm during your trip.

Is it windy in Puerto De La Cruz during November?

You're unlikely to experience any strong winds. Expect a gentle breeze that increases to moderate at times during November. With warm air temperatures and high humidity, any breeze will feel warm but refreshing.

How warm is the sea in Puerto De La Cruz during November?

The water temperature around Puerto De La Cruz reaches a pleasant 23℃ during November. While generally considered warm, some people might find it a little on the cool side on entering the water.

Holidays in Puerto De La Cruz

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Puerto De La Cruz Blog posts

From the UK's most popular travel bloggers


9 absolute best things to do in Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife

3rd May 2021 by The Scrapbook of Life

You might be familiar with the popular resort towns of Los Cristianos and Playa de las Americas in the south of Tenerife, but Puerto de la Cruz might be a stranger to you. Situated in the north of the island, Puerto de la Cruz is a small town that boasts a charming Old Quarter which is abundant with historic buildings, sociable squares, unique shops, and bistros and bars. And despite becoming more popular in recent years, Puerto de la Cruz still manages to retain its fishing village vibe,...

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