
Photo credit Smiley.toerist

Current train ticket promotions

With train ticket prices at an all-time high, it can often be cheaper to fly the longer distance routes. Luckily, train companies often run promotions, so if you know you're going to be traveling in advance a discount can often be found.

Here's the current list of train ticket promotions that I'm aware of. This is a live list, so it could contain 50 entries, or it could contain zero. If you find a train ticket promotion not listed, please do let me know and I'll add it. Email me at tips@travelscoop.co.uk. If you want to receive email alerts when new train ticket promotions are added, sign up to the Travelscoop email newsletter on our homepage

Picture of John

Posted by John
on 30th July 2017 and
updated on 11th December 2017